
365 Days of Social Content with Pagewheel

Create 365 days of engaging social media content to help you SELL your products to the world with Pagewheel’s Copy Packs, even if you’re just starting out!

Graphic of a calendar icon with social media icons on it, with the text "365 Days of Social Media Content with Pagewheel.

Download this handy 365 Days of Social Media Planner to use as you follow the steps.

Watch our replay of how to create a digital product + website with Pagewheel in minutes, then 365 days of content to promote it!

1. Find Your Message

Before you dive into creating a year’s worth of social content, it’s essential to understand who you’re talking to—your customer avatar.

Think of it like throwing a party: you wouldn’t plan the food, music, and decorations without knowing who’s coming, right?

A simple stylized graphic of someone's profile page on a phone screen.

Knowing your audience’s interests, struggles, and goals helps you craft content that resonate, build trust, and ultimately lead to more engagement and sales. Plus, it makes content creation way easier when you know exactly who you’re speaking to!

Know Your Audience

Truly understanding your audience is more than having a set of demographic data. You really need to get inside their head to understand what they need, what motivates them, and what’s holding them back.

Pagewheel’s Copy Packs can help you nail down your customer avatar so you can create the best content for them.

image of the Pagewheel dashboard on a laptop with arrows pointing to the Copy Packs buttons

Open up your Pagewheel dashboard, click on the Copy Packs icon, and let’s get started!

Your Customer Avatar

Step 1

Tell Pagewheel about your product or program. Pay close attention to the HINT! beneath it, especially the example “Weight loss program for female food addicts.”

Tell Pagewheel about your product or program

This example has three very specific components:

  1. What your product or program is: weight loss program {Tip: if it has a fancy or cutesy name, it’s better to describe it in plain language.}
  2. Who it’s for: females
  3. The problem they need help solving: food addiction

Try to include all three. If you’re just starting out or don’t have a specific product or program, try “I help {who} {what problem they have, or what solution they want}”.

For example, “I help real estate agents who want more leads.”

Step 2

Select the ‘Business Branding’ Content Pack.

Step 3

Check the ‘My Avatar’, ‘Head & Heart Objections’ and ‘Head & Heart Solutions’ options.

laptop mockup showing the Pagewheel Copy Packs dashboard with arrows pointing to steps 2-4
Step 4

Then click the big yellow Take Me To My Copy button at the bottom, and let Pagewheel do the work!

Example of the My Avatar Copy Pack from Pagewheel.

You’ll get a brief description of your best customer, along with a detailed list of their core motivations.


  1. Click the black ‘Download’ button to get the pdf file of your avatar.
  2. Click the regenerate icon if you’d Pagewheel to try again.
  3. Still not what you’re looking for? Consider clicking ‘Take me back, I want more copy packs’ then revise your product or program description at the top.
laptop mockup showing the completed copy packs screen with an arrow pointing to the Download button and AI refresh icon

Head & Heart Objections

Dive deeper into your ideal customer’s head by clicking on the Head & Heart Objections button.

Example of a Pagewheel Head & Heart Objections copy pack

Whether it’s an emotional or logical objection, now you can create content that acknowledges these objections – before they have a chance to voice them!

When your audience feels like you can read their mind, they know you ‘get’ them… and it builds their trust in you.

Head & Heart Solutions

Even though they have objections, your audience still wants a solution to their problem. They just want to know that you are the right one.

Example of a Pagewheel Head & Heart Solutions copy pack

Use the Head & Heart Solutions copy pack for more content ideas that do the work to overcome these objections and help them get results.

2. Create Your Content Calendar Copy Pack

Create a Content Calendar copy pack.

laptop mockup showing Pagewheel Copy Packs dashboard, with arrows pointing to each of the three steps "Social Content", "Social Calendar" and "Take Me To My Copy"

Each social calendar copy pack you create contains dozens of specific content ideas.

Download the copy pack and choose the ideas that will resonate with your audience the most!

Pagewheel Social Calendar copy pack with items circled in green circles or crossed out with red x's. "Pick the ideas that will resonate with your audience the most!" text with black arrow pointing to the copy pack.

Click the AI refresh icon for more ideas, or go back to the Copy Packs dashboard and update Step 1 ‘Tell Us About Your Product or Program’ to other ideas you get from the first copy packs you made of your avatar’s needs, head & heart objections, and head & heart solutions.

Continue until you have a years worth of content generated!

3. Mix It Up & Map Your Content

Mix it up and map the content to your publication calendar:

Arrows pointing from content ideas on Pagewheel Social Calendar copy packs to days on calendar pages.

4. Create the Content

Create the content with all the different copy packs options – Interactive Post Ideas, Meme Packs, Personal Brand & Expert Posts, Tweetable Posts, Engagement Bait Post Ideas, and more!

Screenshots of a variety of social media copy packs created using Pagewheel

You’ve successfully used Pagewheel Copy Packs to get insight into your audience’s wants and needs, to create a full year of social media content ideas, and then the content itself for an entire year – congratulations! Who knew it could be so quick and easy?!?

5. Get Organized

Be sure and save all this social media content you’re making!

Here’s an example of a spreadsheet system using Google Sheets:

Screenshot of a Google Sheet used for keeping track of social media assets and publication schedule.

Tip: when you save image and video assets to Google Drive, grab the share link and add it to your spreadsheet.

Some people use organizational tools like ClickUp, Trello or Notion while others might keep it all on their computer drive instead of in the cloud.

There’s no one right way, just make sure you save everything in such a way you can find it again later.

You’re set for a year – YAY!

6. Rinse & Repeat

When next year rolls around, guess what – you don’t have to do it ALL over again! The majority of the content you created is most likely evergreen so you can reuse it.

graphic of three green arrows head-to-toe in a circle

Fun fact: no one is going to remember what you posted a year ago, you have new people in your growing audience, and the algorithms don’t put everything in front of everyone each post anyway.

This time you only need to create content to replace anything outdated, irrelevant or that performed poorly.

Pro Tip:

‘365 Days of Content’ is a great hook for people selling ChatGPT prompts, but it doesn’t account for product launches or new trends – let alone that schedulers like Meta don’t even let you schedule more then two months forward at a time anyway!

Most importantly, if you take time to look at how your content performs, you’ll know what to do more of… and what to do less of.

Simple graphic of a bar graph with an arrow along the bars, and a magnifying glass over it.

Do the words ‘data analysis’ make you yawn or break out into a cold sweat? No worries, you don’t have to break out the calculator and spreadsheet if that’s not your jam.

Try this: keep it simple by looking at the 5 that did the best, and the 5 that did the worst. Do more like the top 5, none like the bottom 5, using Pagewheel to create the next batch of content for you.

While you can simply knock out a year’s worth of content, this simple monthly review will help you grow your audience even faster as you learn what they love.

We recommend:

  1. Creating an annual product launch plan first.
  2. Note the days you will be publishing launch promotional content.
  3. Fill in the remaining open days of your content calendar with audience-building and -nurturing content… but only for the next two months.
  4. Block time 30 days later to create the social content for month three, so you always have 1-2 month’s worth of content scheduled.
  5. Repeat every month to create the next projected 30 days worth of content, after noting which of your published content did well and which didn’t (so you can make more of what works and less of what doesn’t!), as well as any noteworthy trends at the time that you may want to include in your content.

Take It Further

Use your Pagewheel skills to build a business helping others grow theirs!

  1. Offer services as a freelancer with these products and services.
  2. Build an agency by offering services AND managing Pagewheel accounts for clients. {Psst – our Enterprise Plan includes Agency School – where we show you how to launch your agency and start getting clients!}
list of Pagewheel Enterprise Plan features

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