How to Create Marketing Copy with AI

As your business grows, the need for more content for marketing grows and grows. But if you are like Holly and I, you have limited bandwidth. Ai can duplicate your efforts. But if any of you have tried using AI in the past it can be a royal pain in the bah-tootie! You get stuck into a cycle of prompt, and new prompt. and fifteen minutes later you are still trying to “train” chatGPT or wherever what your niche is and what you are looking for. We hated that cycle, so we created a prompt-free AI system.

We created Pagewheel’s Copy Packs to help us as business owners create the marketing materials we needed to bring awareness to our products and programs, and we love that it is able to help YOU too!

The Steps: How to Use AI & Create Copy Packs

First, in STEP 1, you will want to open Pagewheel. Once you are in there go to the top button “Get Your Copy Packs”. This will open your Packs Dashboard, giving you access to all of the AI tools that we have as a part of Pagewheel.

Inside that dashboard tell us about your product and program. For best results, keep your description to 5-8 words. Don’t tell us what you want, this section is meant to describe what your program is and who you serve.

Tell AI who and what

Once you have told AI what your product or program is, the next thing you need to do STEP 2 is tell us what type of content you are looking for, be it social content, website posts, email marketing or MORE!

Select your content pack.

select the social marketing content icon the arrow is pointing to

After you select your content category, then you will see STEP 3 – lots of content packs. The content packs you see are being updated regularly. If you find one you love feel free to use the search bar.

If you see content pack options but are unable to use them, it might be that you need to upgrade your account.

What is Included in the Pagewheel Copy Packs?

What is inside each of the Copyshop Copy Packs? Everything you need to promote your business, in three easy steps! No prompt engineering is required – simply enter your product or service, select your copy pack options then Take Me to My Copy!

Social Content

This section includes content like the following:

  • Social Media Content Calendars
  • Viral Hools and Descriptions
  • Tweetables for Gurus and Thought Leaders
  • Social Selling Conversational Posts
  • Facebook Post Mixer
  • Pinterest Product Descriptions

And so much more!!

social content copy packs pages on a blue and white background
Social Content Calendar and Posts made by AI

Never again wonder what to post! AI knows your audience, our AI engine is two parts, one part uses (the same AI language base that fuels ChatGPT) but we also use an internal base of samples (hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of sample collections) from proven social content that has already converted with engagement, reach and sales for us and our clients.

The combination means that you don’t need to start from scratch. AI will create your content for you!! Did you get so-so results? Go back and change the description of your product or program that you gave us. Do you want even MORE results?? Just click the AI refresh button for a new pack of copy!

black arrow pointing at AI refresh icon

Business Branding

Understand your customer’s needs, wants and desires, then solve their problem with the perfect offer! The business branding content section includes copy packs like our…

  • Marketing Objection Matrix. AI will create lists for you, of both head and heart objections that your audience most likely has that would cause them to stop and not purchase your products or programs. With this list you will be able to address your future customers doubts and fears in your marketing materials, helping them convert to buyers.
  • Marketing Messaging Solutions. Know in advance what solutions your customers are looking for you to provide with your product or program, AI will tell you using this Copy Pack. Messaging solutions are the desired results, the benefits or features that you can highlight in sales page copy, emails and ads – based on what your product or program is. You don’t have to guess what your customers think!
  • Stories to Tell for Conversion. Every buyer has gone through a similar journey, they struggled with something, they found a product like yours, and they began to get results. That “journey” is slightly different for each niche or topic, and yet, inside the niches there are lots of similarities. These stories that AI is providing are intended as inspiration or ideas to help you craft your own customer and personal product use case stories. They are not intended for you to copy verbatim.
  • Who is My Avatar? Maslow’s Marketing hierarchy is the theory that all of our customers need our products for physical reasons, emotional reasons, and even enjoyment or aspirational fulfillment reasons. You don’t have to “guess” why your buyer is interested in your product or program. AI knows as it has seen the volume of hundreds of thousands of purchases in the past and can spot trends faster than we can – use that data to create an Avatar profile.
  • 2-Week Product Launch Plan. Use the Pagewheel AI engine to create your business’ marketing plan. The AI system will give you 2-3 tasks a day that you can do to help you promote your new product or programs.
  • 5-Day Challenge Plan. Challenges are a great way to show how you can help your customers with their immediate needs using your product or service… and lead them to the product or service that solves their next one! Create a challenge with AI in just minutes! Have a challenge plan, ready for you to start filming. You will have the topic, homework ideas to match, and journal questions for your students.
  • and MORE!!

Websites & Blogs

AI can create not only blog posts and other long-form content to fill your website with articles, AI can also create the standard website resources that help your business be seen as legitimate. For example, AI can create example privacy and data use policies that you can check with your lawyer and make sure they are usable and applicable to your business, helping you stay legitimate and protected. AI can also help you do the bulk of the research that will help you create your core content – it can create a Keyword strategy for you, give you blog post ideas, create the content and even digital products to help you grow your list.

Website Resources that AI can Create With Pagewheel:

  • Blog Post Ideas
  • Viral Hooks & Descriptions
  • Content “Pizzaz” Makers
  • Interview Questions
  • SEO Keywords & Strategy
  • Privacy & Data Use Policy Example
  • Sales Page – Long Form

Blog Posts that AI can Write With Pagewheel:

  • Listicle Blog Post
  • Tutorial Blog Post
  • Informational Blog Post
  • Recipe Blog Post
  • And SO MANY MORE!!

Email Marketing

One of the hardest things for small business owners is the feeling of overwhelm when we look at all of the tasks we need to accomplish. Instead of doing it all yourself (or hiring an expensive team) use AI to create your core marketing assets for your business.

Inside of Pagewheel we have email sequences – you can pick between 2-email and 5-email sequences. We have nurturing emails to welcome new subscribers to your list, we have emails that tease lead magnets we have sales emails, we have abandon cart emails… you name it… if we don’t have that email already, we will make it for you!!

Stop remaking the wheel, use AI. Let AI write the content for you, and then edit it to fit your business’ needs.

In addition to the actual email copy we also have resources that will help you increase your deliverability, including:

  • Clickable Email Subject Lines
  • Newsletter Topic Ideas
  • Call-To-Action Subject Lines
  • Email Hooks & Descriptions
AI will Create Email Sequences for You

Products & Programs

AI can help you get ideas and organize your plans for products and programs you can create and sell. For example, AI can create the Titles and Descriptions for the products you put in a marketplace, like Etsy, Amazon or Shopify. AI can then write the ads to promote those products and the video script that you can use to post about the product on TikTok or YouTube Shorts, or wherever.

What AI is really good at is creating batches of work for us, all with the same goal – so that you can go back to what you love – knowing that your marketing is done for you.

  • Product Ideas
  • Product Title & Description Mixer
  • 5-Day Challenge Plan
  • Ad Copy
  • 30-Second Video Sales letter Script
  • Two-Week Launch Plan

Video Scripts

  • Video Hooks & Descriptions
  • Solve & Sell Script
  • Educate Your Audience Scripts
  • 30-Second Video Sales letter Script
  • Stories to Tell
  • Video Sales Letter Script

New Topic? No Problem!

Pagewheel saves your copy packs while you’re working. You can always click a tab to go back to a copy pack you’ve already made. Ready for more? Click ‘Take me back’ to get more copy on your next topic.

Pagewheel defaults to save your last packs which is why you are seeing the tabs at the top.

black arrow pointing to Pagewheel copy packs tabs

Have any ongoing questions? Want a custom onboarding session? Have an idea or a request for content that you wish you could have pre-generated and waiting for you?? We are available to you over live chat. Just click on the speech bubble in the lower right and we will be glad to help you!

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