Build an Offer Page AND It’s Emails – in Minutes

I remember the first offer that I created. I researched for HOURS to collect all the best information on the topic, then I spent over a day, a full 8-hour day in Canva and/or Adobe Illustrator putting the handouts together… but I wasn’t done yet!! I still had to film the mini-course videos, I had to write the offer page, and the thank you pages, and I had to design them and hook the whole thing up together.

make an offer page with pagewheel
Let’s build a converting offer page!

Guys. I would go batty… by the time I had the offer created, I would be relieved, thinking that I was “done” only to realize that I had to promote the product too or no one would hear about it!

I was so drained from “fighting” with the details that I didn’t even love my product anymore, and I felt like I had wasted all of this time and effort only for no one to see what I had made.

It was so demoralizing and frustrating!

How do you create an offer – that actually sells?

Your “offer” will make or break your landing page. Make sure you pick something that is clear and solves a need your audience is missing. We have seen the magic when you combine a relevant offer with an audience that NEEDS it, even when the landing page is “broken” or missing main portions of the pages.

Need ideas for the perfect offer? Let AI help you get ideas of products that your audience needs!

Use AI To Create Landing Page / Offer Page / Sales Page

There are two ways that Pagewheel can create an offer page for you using ai:

  • Digital Product Maker: With Pagewheel’s digital product maker, you can make a product and automatically generate the offer page, thank you page and everything else you need and it is ALL HOSTED on Pagewheel. No tech to connect…launch your product within minutes (How to make a digital product).
  • Copy Packs: With Pagewheel’s copy packs, you can create nearly any type of copy you could desire with ONLY the description of your product and Pagewheel’s behind-the-scenes prompts makes sense of ai in one quick and easy way. One of the things you can have written for you is a long-form sales page. This includes copy and Canva templates allowing you to copy & paste (or download in a pdf) straight into whatever existing sales page delivery system you might already have (like Clickfunnels, High Level, websites, Shopify, WooCommerce and more).

Make an Offer Page with Our Digital Product Maker

Step 1: Build your product or program workbook/guide

The best products or programs combine modalities. Example: Combine a PDF Workbook with a short video class, or combine a physical product with a checklist to help the user get results OR provide a service and a guide to help your clients get the most out of their service with you.

Inside of Pagewheel you can select:

Pagewheel offer page first step
  1. Upload your own pdf if you already have a digital product, workbook or handout you want to share and Pagewheel will just create your landing page and hook up the tech for you – with AI automations.
  2. Ready-to-Edit Products are 100s and 100s of prepared template batches in a variety of niches that you can approve or edit for your own use using Pagewheel’s ai assistant.
  3. Use the Page-by-Page Product Builder to add a wide selection of pages from page type templates that you can approve, edit and rearrange.

Pssst…once you start editing your digital product, you can add pages from any of the three categories! Oh, and the offer page, delivery page and emails will be drafted based on what you made!

Step 2: Let us write your offer page

Once you have created your digital download, it will automatically write an offer page. If you find that it doesn’t fully explain your product/program, you can re-run the ai copy as needed to re-write the entire page.

Pagewheel offer step 2

For best results, tell the AI engine your topic, the result you bring and/or the person you serve. Examples of prompts that work best are ones like, “Weight loss program for women who are menopausal” or “Interior Design Plans for the DIY Decorator”. AI will write your headlines, your copy sections FOR YOU, using the best practices that have proven to work for the majority of websites.

Look over the copy and make any tweaks and changes you want to make by editing the sections.

Step 3: Delivery page customization

A landing page is great. It is the vehicle that your audience uses to find out about your product and say “YES! I want that”. However, it is a vehicle without gas and goes nowhere without an upsell page, a thank you page, having the payment processor hooked up, a delivery email connected so when they purchase your buyers get their receipt and access to the item they purchased.

Pagewheel automatically builds your delivery page (also known as a thank you page) without letting the tech overwhelm you!! Our AI automations connect all of the “parts” for you so that you don’t have to do anything besides click “looks good”.

Step 4: Promote your offer!

The best offer in the whole wide world will fall flat if no one hears about it! Get the word out!! How do you promote your landing page and offer?

  1. Post on social media: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest and MORE!!
  2. Run ads to cold traffic. Google, Meta and even Reddit offer ad targetting to help you pay to get in front of your perfect people!
  3. Send emails to your list to tell them about your offer.

Kasim Aslan, the founder of the #1 Google Ads Agency (according to Google), has said that it takes dozens interactions before someone who is a stranger to your brand to convert to your offer.

That sounds almost impossible, BUT!! With social media you can easily create a dozen posts and target them to your perfect person!! The old way before AI was tedious! But with AI tools you get the post ideas, the templates, even the copy to ensure that your future customers find out you exist.

Pagewheel offer page creation

Open up Pagewheel’s copy packs and create a social media calendar, grab social media posts and templates along with blog posts, video scripts and so much more!

You will have your content created and ready to post in no-time!!

Create Offer Page Content with Pagewheel’s AI Engine

The second way you can create an offer page with Pagewheel is perfect for those of you who already are creating offers regularly and want to create a larger, more complex and tech-heavy solution with tools like funnel builders, sales page and eCommerce websites.

Our long-form sales page language generator can take away the frustration of staring at a blank screen and give you the ideas, text and image templates you need to make quick work of creating your next offer.

computer with screen of pagewheel's copy packs steps 1 & 2
Pagewheel’s Copy Packs will generate the content for your next offer in minutes!

Step 1: Describe your product

Step 2: Pick the “Website and/or Blog” content pack

Step 3: Select “Sales Page – Long Form”

Step 4: Click the “Take Me to My Copy” Button

Create a long form sales page in Pagewheels copy packs
Use the Canva templates to make your customized offer page images.

Step 5: Copy & Paste into your chosen platform or download the pdf version and save for later.

Landing Page Checklist – You must have these, or your offer won’t convert

  • Call To Action – Include throughout the landing page.
  • Headlines that describe the target audience’s main pain points
  • Subheadlines that describe how your product or service helps/solves those pain points
  • Social proof and evidence of results you & your clients achieved
  • Write a mini about us to describe what you do briefly
  • An FAQ section that answers lingering objections

Happy offer page building!

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