How to Create Email Sequences – in Minutes

You have heard “business experts” talk about the importance of having people on your email list, and while that is TRUE. Your list is ONLY powerful if you are mailing to your list regularly.

According to BizGenius 60% of all businesses only email their potential customers 2-5 times a month. That is NOT ENOUGH!

BUT!! If you are like me you probably struggle wondering what should I say, when should I email my list… and really? I am busy… I will write an email “later”. We are throwing away money and more importantly, we are throwing away the opportunity to make a greater impact on our customers’ lives!

So… how do we create emails that people actually want to read – while not feeling further behind in our day??

With AI. You can now draft whole email sequences, copy them into your CRM and schedule them to be sent – all in minutes.

Let’s watch how.

What is an Email Sequence?

An Email sequence is a series of emails – usually 3 to 7 emails that are all on the same theme or “journey”. The goal of these emails is to help your subscribers become customers. Each email answers an objection that your future customers have, educating them and empowering them to find the solution to their struggle, with your product. The emails are sent out through automation you setup with your email provider. In the best cases, you will want to email your subscribers 4-5 times a week.

How to Use an AI Email Writer

You can’t do it all, and this is why you will love email sequence writer! Pagewheel takes emails that have proven to convert previously and runs them through a large-language spinning model, so the emails that have helped me grow my coaching program, or to sell services, run affiliate promotions, is “spun” with AI – the result is templates that you don’t have to “fill”. AI will change the topics in the emails and apply the same emails and write them for your own product or program.

Tutorial: How to create auto-generated email sequences with AI.

You can create a variety of email sequences, with AI. Typically, it takes between 10-45 seconds per email to have AI draft each email in the sequence. If you want to have a cohesive marketing campaign, combine emails with ads and with products so you have a holistic marketing campaign.

Step 1:

Tell the AI engine what your product or program is about. For best results with your email copy, tell Pagewheel WHAT you are selling and WHO you are selling that thing to…

Let the AI engine do what it does best and draft the email copy for that product and person! Generally, you should be able to describe your product in 5-8 words.

Tell AI who and what

Step 2:

Pick the “type” of content that you are looking for. In this circumstance, you want to select Email Marketing.

select the Email Marketing icon the arrow is pointing to

Step 3:

The last step is to pick the email packs that you want to create. We suggest that you only pick one or two at a time, the more you pick the longer it can take to get your results.

choose from the list of email copy options

Step 4:

You have them!! AI just wrote your email sequences for you!! And if you selected some of these “email extras” you also got clickable hooks, subject line suggestions, stories to tell, and MORE to make your emails convert even better for your business!

To use these emails you can click “download the copy” and save them as a PDF in your system, or you can open your email provider and just copy and paste the content directly into your CRM, scheduling your emails

examples of three email copy results on a white and light blue background

PageWheel Will Be Your New Favorite AI Email Writer

The benefit of Pagewheel is that you don’t just get one email written for you, you can create email sequences AND the products, offer pages to grow that list!! And then get the ads and social posts!

You need ALL of these in order to properly grow your list!!

  • Digital Product or PDF/Video Class – this is what people “get” when they sign up to be on your list.
  • Offer Webpage & Delivery Webpage – You need a PLACE for people to come to sign up to be on your list.
  • Hosting & Form Integrations – It is not enough to have a site, you need to have a way to capture the emails, and then send them to your main list for you to continue developing the relationship with them.
  • Social Media Promotions & Ads – Once you have a “List Builder” you need to promote it!!

All of the above we provide for you in

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