Working with Different Languages in Copy Packs

Pagewheel’s Copy Packs let you quickly create marketing materials in different languages. You can set the interface and content languages separately.

This makes it simple to create content for clients who speak different languages and helps you reach a larger audience.

A graphic with “Working with Different Languages in Copy Packs” text. Underneath is a simple stylized graphic depicting language icons.

Changing the User Interface Language

When you open Copy Packs, the copy pack generation screen appears. 

By default, this interface is displayed in English.

Changing the Interface Language

To change the interface language, click the flag icon in the top bar.

When you hover over the icon, the message “Choose the Language” will appear.

An annotated screenshot showing where to find the flag icon to change the interface language.
Look for the flag icon in the topbar

Click the flag icon to open the interface language menu.

Here, you’ll find the interface languages supported by Pagewheel, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Simply click the language you’d like to switch to.

An annotated screenshot showing how to use the interface language menu.
Select the interface language

Once you select a different language, the screen will refresh.

The interface will then appear in the language you chose.

An annotated screenshot of the Copy Packs generator interface in Spanish.
After changing the interface language to Spanish

Switching Back to English

Switching back to English is simple.

Click the flag icon and choose English from the language menu. 

The page will refresh, and the interface will return to English.

Changing the Content Language

The content language refers to the language used in the text generated by Pagewheel’s Copy Packs.

When you change the interface language using the icon in the top bar, the content language will automatically update to match. 

Initially, the content language is set to English. You’ll see this displayed next to the “Take Me To My Copy” button, which is used to generate the content.

An annotated screenshot showing the default content language setting.
The content language is set to English by default

Changing the Content Language

To change the content language, click the flag icon located to the left of the ‘Generate’ button.

This will open a menu showing all available content languages. 

Simply select the language you want to use for generating content.

An annotated screenshot showing how to select a content language.
Select the language for your copy

After selecting a language, the flag icon will update to reflect your chosen language.

Notice that the content language can be different to the interface language. 

An annotated screenshot showing the content language set to German.
The content language is now set to German

Press the generate button to create the Copy Packs in the language you’ve selected.

For more details on creating Copy Packs, see the Full Copy Packs Guide.

An annotated screenshot of generated content in German.
The generated content is now in German

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