How to Replace an Image

Pagewheel uses stock images as placeholders in your digital products and websites.

You can quickly replace these images with your own. 

A graphic with “Replace an Image” text. Underneath is a simple stylized graphic of a replace image icon.

Replacing an Image

The replace image feature functions the same in the Page Editor, Offer Page, and Delivery Page.

Here’s how to replace an image on a DIY page, although this process is the same throughout the app.

During the third step of product creation, you can add DIY pages.

Some of these page types, such as the “About Me” page, include images. When these pages are added, they use stock images as placeholders.

Typically, you’ll want to replace these placeholders with your own images.

An annotated screenshot showing the “About Me” page in the Page Editor.
Some page types, like “About Me”, contain images

Images that can be replaced will display edit buttons when you hover over them.

Three buttons will appear, along with the recommended image size underneath.

An annotated screenshot showing how to access the image menu.
Hover over the image you want to change

Click the “Replace Image” button to open your file browser.

Select the image you want. 

Wait a moment, and the image is uploaded. 

An annotated screenshot showing the uploaded image.
The placeholder image has been replaced

Once the image is uploaded, you can rotate or crop it.

Just hover over the image to see the available options.

An annotated screenshot showing how to crop or rotate an image.
Rotate or crop the image

How Image Replacement Works Across Pagewheel

The replace image feature works the same way across the Page Editor, Offer Page, and Delivery Page.

Any replaceable image will display options when you hover over it.

An annotated screenshot showing what you’ll see when you hover over an image that’s replaceable.
Hover over any image to see if it’s replaceable

Keep in mind that the images you choose aren’t linked across your digital product and website.

Changing an image in the product using the Page Editor won’t affect related images on the Offer Page or Delivery Page.

For example, if you change the image on the “About Me” page in the Page Editor, it won’t update the image in the “About Me” section of the Offer Page.

You’ll need to make these changes separately, and you can use different images if you like.

Publishing Your Changes

Remember that the PDF for your product is not automatically updated.

If you change any images, you’ll need to re-publish the product.

In the same way, any updates to the Offer or Delivery pages need to be published before they appear on the live website.

For more information, see Saving vs Publishing.

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