How to Add a PDF to a Digital Product

If you’d like to add a PDF to a digital product, either from already-made content or from a PDF you may have already uploaded, or even from our AI content tool, the process is simple.

A graphic with “Add a PDF to a digital product” text. Underneath is a stylized PDF file icon.
You can easily upload a PDF to add to your existing products.

Whichever way you have generated your initial content, you will need to access the page editor to add a DIY page to a digital product. This is step three in the product builder workflow.

A screenshot showing where you can see which step of the product builder you are on.
To upload a PDF, you need to be in the page editor

To start, from the page editor, click the “Add a PDF” button on the left-hand side toolbar.

A screenshot showing how to open the PDF upload box.
Click the “Add a PDF” button

This takes you to the PDF upload box. Here, you can either drag the file you want to upload into the box or click the “choose file” text to find it on your computer.

You need to check the two checkboxes as well to confirm that the PDF is your digital product and that you cannot edit it once it is on Pagewheel. It has to be used as is.

A screenshot showing how to upload a PDF.
Click the two checkboxes then drag or select the PDF to upload

To complete the upload , click the next button.

A screenshot showing where to click to start the PDF upload.
Now click the next button to begin the upload

The PDF is now added to your digital product. Note that if you select grid view, you will find it as the last page in the digital product.

A screenshot showing how to access a grid view of pages.
Click the grid view icon to see all pages, with the added PDF at the end

You can move it around to your desired position from grid view

A screenshot showing how to move a PDF while in grid view.
Move the PDF to the correct place by clicking and dragging

You can delete any pages you don’t want using the toolbar on the left of the page editor, and you can even duplicate them. Remember that you won’t be able to edit any PDF that you have uploaded.

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