How To Create A Website For Your Digital Product

You’ve created a digital product – congratulations! That’s a great accomplishment. The next step is creating a website for it. Follow these easy steps to make it happen!

A graphic with “Create A Website For Your Digital Product” text. Underneath is a simple stylized graphic depicting a product’s website.
Learn how to create a website for your digital products!

Creating A Website For Your Digital Product

Creating a website for your product is actually really simple. Once you’re done creating all your pages and publishing, click “Create My Website to Promote My Product”.

An annotated screenshot showing what to click to create a website for a new product.
Click to create a website for the product

How To Create a Website After Publishing

If you have a product that you are working on, or you have already published the product but didn’t click the create website button, you can do it at a later time.

Simply go to your Dashboard, find the product you want to add the website for, and then click “Add a Website”.

An annotated screenshot showing what to click to create a website for an existing product.
Click “Add a Website” to create a website

You’ll be taken to this window where you can click the next button and be ready for the next steps!

An annotated screenshot showing how to continue to the next stage of the product builder.
Click the next button to continue the process

What To Do If I Get A Different Screen

However, you won’t be able to create a website if you’ve missed a step, but don’t worry – the editor will automatically guide you through it.

In the example below, the product is missing a title, so we need to add a title before creating the website for it. Once done, just repeat the previous steps to create your product website!

An annotated screenshot showing how to add a title to a digital product.
Make sure to fill out all the information before continuing!

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