How to Rotate an Image on Pagewheel

It’s convenient to rotate an Image on Pagewheel. There’s no need to pre-edit your images before uploading.

A graphic with “How to Rotate an Image” text. Underneath is a simple stylized graphic of a rotate icon.

Accessing the Image Rotate Feature

The image rotate feature can be found anywhere you upload an image in Product Builder, whether pages for your product or on its website. 

For a product, you’ll use it in the third step of the page creation process, when adding custom pages like the About Me page.

For more information, see How to Create a Product with the Page-by-Page Product Builder.

A screenshot of the Page Editor.
The page editor

On these pages, you can swap out the stock images for your own.

Start by clicking on the image and uploading your desired photo. 

After it’s uploaded, hover over the image to reveal the options. You can crop, rotate, or replace the images.

To rotate the image, select “Rotate Image”.

A screenshot showing where to click to rotate an image.
Hover over the image, then click “Rotate Image”

The image will then rotate 90° clockwise.

Click again if you need to rotate the image more. 

A screenshot of a rotated image in the page editor.
Click again to rotate the image more

The rotate feature works the same way across the page editor, offer page, and delivery page.

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