How to Rearrange Pages in a Digital Product

Should you wish to change the order of the pages in your digital product, you can do so easily enough. Let’s show you how.

A graphic with “Rearrange Pages in a Digital Product” text. Underneath is a simple stylized graphic depicting pages being rearranged.
Rearranging pages within a digital product couldn’t be easier

You will need to be inside the page editor to rearrange the pages in one of your digital products. This is step three of the digital product builder workflow.

A screenshot of the page editor stage of the product builder.
Start in the page editor stage of the product builder

Start by clicking the grid view button.

A screenshot showing how to select grid view.
Click the grid view button to display all the pages

This will bring up a preview of all the pages in your product and their current order.

A screenshot of all a product’s pages in grid view.
Select a page, hold the mouse button down, and drag it to the correct position

Find the page you want to change, click on it, hold the left mouse button, and drag it wherever you want it to appear.

And that’s how you can easily rearrange the page order of any digital product.

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