Saving vs Publishing Your Product and Website

With Pagewheel, your work is automatically saved at every step of the product creation workflow, so you won’t lose any progress. 

You can then easily publish these changes to your product’s PDF and website.

A graphic with “Saving vs Publishing Your Product and Website” text. Underneath is a simple stylized graphic depicting saving and publishing.

Understanding the Difference Between Saving and Publishing

Pagewheel saves your work at each stage of the product creation process. 

However, the PDF for a product is not automatically created or updated. 

The PDF is created after publishing the product in step three. 

If you’ve made changes to an already published product, you’ll need to publish it again to regenerate the PDF with your updates.

The existing links to your product will remain unchanged, so there’s no need to share new links.

Identifying Published vs Unpublished Products

You can check which products have been published from your dashboard.

Unpublished Products

If the “Your Links” text for a product is grayed out, the product hasn’t been published.

This means the PDF isn’t available as it hasn’t been created yet.

An annotated screenshot showing how to tell the difference between a published and unpublished product from the product listing.
Notice that the first product is unpublished

Publishing creates the PDF for a product and generates a link to download it. 

For more details, see How to Publish a Product.

Published Products with Incomplete Steps

Not all links will be available for products with incomplete steps.

An annotated screenshot of the links box for an incomplete product.
Only the link to the product’s PDF is available

If your product is incomplete, click any unchecked buttons under the product listing to continue the process.

An annotated screenshot showing how to continue the product creation process.
Click any unchecked buttons to continue the product creation process

Fully Completed Products

Everything is checked for fully completed products. 

An annotated screenshot of a complete product’s listing.
This product is complete. Everything is checked

All the links are available for these products. 

For more information, see How to Find the Links to Your Digital Product.

Changing an Already Published Product

Editing a Product

Pagewheel lets you easily edit an existing product.

Begin by clicking the product’s image to open the product editor.

An annotated screenshot showing how to open the product editor.
Click a product’s image to open the editor

Make any changes and move through the steps by clicking the next buttons.

To update the PDF with changes, the product needs to be published again. 

This is done in step three of the workflow. 

An annotated screenshot showing how to preview a product before publishing.
Click the next button to preview then publish

Clicking the next button opens a preview box, where you can re-publish the product to generate the PDF.

An annotated screenshot showing how to publish a product.
Click the publish button to generate the PDF

Wait briefly for the PDF to be generated.

You can then click “Download Now” to get the new PDF.

The existing links to your product will stay the same, so you don’t need to share new links.

An annotated screenshot showing how to download the updated PDF for a product.
Click “Download Now” to get a PDF of your finished product

From here, you can continue the product builder process to create the website for your product. 

For detailed steps, see How To Create A Website For Your Digital Product.

Editing a Website

If ‘Website’ is checked for a product, the website has already been created. 

Notice ‘Website’ is checked for “Awareness Workbook”

We can update a website by clicking the website button underneath a product listing. This opens the Offer Page editor

As before, changes are saved between steps. To see these changes on the live website, we need to re-publish it.

Continue clicking the next buttons until you reach step five of the product builder workflow. 

Then, make any final changes and click the publish button to apply them to the live website. 

Click the publish button to update the website

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