How to Update Your Payment Information

Should you need to update your payment information at any point, Pagewheel makes it a simple process.

A graphic with "Update your payment information" text. Underneath is a simple stylized graphic of three credit cards.
Pagewheel makes it easy to update your payment information.

Payment Information Changes

As with most things on the Pagewheel app, you’ll need to start from the dashboard if you need to update your payment information.

A screenshot of Pagewheel's dashboard.
The dashboard screen

Click on your avatar on the top-right-hand side of the screen to go to your account settings.

A screenshot showing how to access your account settings in Pagewheel.
Click on your avatar to start the process of updating your payment method

Once in your account settings, you need to click the second menu tab, ‘Update Payment Method’.

A screenshot showing where to find the “Update Payment Method” tab in Pagewheel's account settings.
Click Update Payment Method to start the process of changing the way you pay for your subscription

From there, you can change your credit card information easily. Simply click on the necessary section, delete the old information, and add the new. You can also pay via Google Pay and Cash App Pay.

Once you are done, remember to click on the ‘Looks Good’ button to save your information.

A screenshot showing how to confirm payment details in the “Update Payment Method” tab.
Once you’ve changed anything, make sure you click the ‘Looks Good’ button to save your changes

Downloading an Invoice

Click the ‘Download My Invoice’ button if you require proof of any payments you have made.

A screenshot showing where to click to download an invoice.
To download an invoice, click the ‘Download My Invoice’ button

You have now updated your payment method successfully. Always remember to keep your payment updated to avoid payment suspensions.

It’s so easy to do, and you can check it whenever you like.

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