How to Edit Text in a Digital Product

Let’s look at how you would edit text in one of your digital products. It’s a process that’s not overly complicated at all.

A graphic with “How to Edit Text in a Digital Product” text. Underneath is a simple stylized graphic of a notepad and pencil.

You will need to access the page editor to edit text in a digital product. This is step three in the product builder workflow.

A screenshot of where to see which step of the product builder you are on.
To edit any text in a digital product, you need to be in the page editor

Click on any text, and your cursor will appear, allowing you to edit the text as you see fit.

You can also change the color of headlines to one of the options available, should you wish to. Please note, that you can only change the color if the headline is bold. It won’t change otherwise. So make sure you highlight the text.

You can do the same with page titles too, but only if you have bolded them first, so make sure you click the ‘B’ to do so. Then you are free to change the color to one of the selected options.

A screenshot of how to see if a headline is bolded.
If you are changing the color of the headline, it should be bolded first

You can add hyperlinks to webpages by clicking on the insert hyperlink button. You can do this in headlines as well as the body of the text.

A screenshot showing how to insert a hyperlink.
Click the link icon to insert a hyperlink into a page

Any text in the headline text can be made bold, italicized, or underlined. In the body, you have the same options with the addition of strikeout text, too.

A screenshot showing how to format text.
Text can be bolded, italicized, or struck through

If you’d like to move paragraphs around, use the two arrows on the right-hand side of the toolbar.

A screenshot showing how to move paragraphs up or down.
Select a paragraph and click either up or down to move it to the position you want

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