How to Use the AI Page Assistant for the Offer and Delivery Pages

Pagewheel creates websites for your digital products. These pages include text generated using Pagewheel’s advanced AI capabilities.

If the text doesn’t suit your needs, you can regenerate it easily while adding additional keywords for more tailored results.

A graphic with “AI Page Assistant for the Offer and Delivery Pages” text. Underneath is a simple stylized graphic of an AI button.

Navigating to the Website Editor

The AI Page Assistant is a feature of the Website Editor. 

This is accessed in stage four of the product creation process. You’ll encounter this step as you create a product.

You can also edit the website of an existing product by finding the product listing and clicking the website button. 

For more details, see Building a Promotional Website for Your Product.

An annotated screenshot showing how to create or edit an existing website.
Click to create or change an existing website

Using the AI Page Assistant

The website editor will open directly to your product’s Offer Page.

You’ll see that the page is already filled with text. 

Take a moment to review the content and see if it suits your needs.

An annotated screenshot of the Offer Page in the Website Editor.
Review the content to see if it suits your needs

If you don’t like the initial copy, look for the AI Page Assistant box at the top. 

The product title is already entered. This title is used by the AI system to generate the text.

You can change this text to get different results.

An annotated screenshot showing where to enter the AI generation text.
The AI Page Assistant box with initial generation keywords.

To regenerate the content, click the AI regenerate button on the right side of the text box.

In the following screenshot, the word ‘meditation’ has been added to the generation text. 

An annotated screenshot showing what to click to regenerate the text.
The updated Offer Page with new text

The copy has changed, and you’ll notice the text now includes information about meditation. 

Use this feature to quickly fine-tune your content. Simply add specific keywords that you want the copy to include, and the AI will adjust the text accordingly. 

Keep in mind that when you use the AI Page Assistant, the text for both the Offer Page and the Delivery Page is updated.

Final Steps: Saving and Publishing

Saving or Discarding Changes

Your changes are only saved when you click the next button. 

If you’re not satisfied with the new text, you can return to the dashboard by clicking the Pagewheel logo, and your changes won’t be saved.

Publishing Your Updates

Your updates won’t appear on your live website until you publish them.

Continue through the product builder until you reach the final step, then click the publish button to make your changes live.

For more details, see Saving vs Publishing.

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