Linking to Your Product’s Community on the Delivery Page

After a customer purchases your product, they will see the Delivery Page.

This page includes a “Community Section,” which lets you link directly to your product’s community. No community? No problem! There are LOTS of ways to leverage this section!

A graphic with “Linking to Your Product Community on the Delivery Page” text. Underneath is a simple stylized graphic of a product community.

Accessing the Delivery Page

You can edit the Delivery Page in the Website Editor, which is stage four of the product creation process.

To access the Delivery Page, use the page type dropdown menu.

An annotated screenshot showing how to access the Delivery Page.
Select “Delivery Page” in the Website Editor

You can also edit the website of an existing product by finding the product listing and clicking the website button. 

For more details, see Building the Website for Your Product.

The Community Section

The Delivery Page comes with a default layout that is marketing-optimized for the target audience. 

Scroll down to find the community section.

Here, you’ll find a large button that lets customers sign up for your community.

An annotated screenshot of the community section.
The community section

Linking to Your Product Community 

To link your product community to the button, start by selecting the button.

This will open the section editor toolbar.

An annotated screenshot showing how to open the section editor toolbar.
Click the button to open the section editor toolbar

To add the link, press the link button.

When you hover over it, you should see “Add link to the button.”

A yellow box will appear.

Paste your link into this box, then press the button to confirm.

An annotated screenshot showing how to add a link to the button.
Click the link button and enter the URL

To learn more, see How to Use the Section Editor

Creating a Product Community 

If you haven’t yet created a product community, there are plenty of options available. 

Here are some of the easiest and most effective choices:

  • Create a Facebook Group: Build a community, encourage discussions, and create loyal fans who are interested in your product.
  • Create an Instagram Page: Share eye-catching photos, reach younger people, and use hashtags to help more people find your product.
  • Create a Pinterest Board: Great for sharing visual ideas, driving traffic to your site, and reaching women interested in lifestyle products.

For more guidance, see How to Create a Social Media Content Plan

Alternative Uses of the Community Section

The community section can serve other purposes:

  • Deliver a Lead Magnet: Use this section to offer a valuable resource to your audience.
  • Related Product: Link to the sales page of another related product.

For more information, see How to Increase Revenue

Hiding or Deleting the Community Section

If you haven’t created a product community yet, or don’t plan to, you can either hide or delete the section.

Hiding the Section

If you might create a product community later, it’s better to hide the section instead of deleting it.

In the section editor toolbar, look for the eye icon.

When you hover over it, you’ll see “Hide Section.”

Click the eye icon to hide the section.

An annotated screenshot showing how to hide the community section.
Click the eye icon to hide the section

Once hidden, the section will appear dimmed, and the eye icon will show a line through it.

An annotated screenshot showing the hidden community section.
The section is now hidden

The section will now be completely invisible to your customers.

To unhide it, simply click the eye-with-line icon.

For more information, see Hiding a Section on Your Website Without Deleting It.

Moving the Section 

If you want the community section to be more prominent on the Delivery Page, you can move it higher up.

To do this, use the up arrow on the right side of the section editor toolbar.

Keep clicking the arrow to move the section further up the page.

An annotated screenshot showing how to move the community section.
Click the up arrow to move the section up

For more information, see Moving Sections on your Offer and Delivery Pages

Deleting the Section

Although it’s not recommended, you can completely remove the section if needed.

To delete it, click the trash-can icon on the far left of the section editor toolbar.

An annotated screenshot showing how to delete the community section.
Click the trash-can icon to delete the section

A confirmation box will appear before the section is removed.

Keep in mind, this action is irreversible. It might be better to hide the section.

For more information, see Deleting Sections from Your Website Pages.

Publishing Your Updates

Your updates won’t appear on the Delivery Page until you publish them.

Continue through the product builder until you reach the final step. Then, click the publish button to make your changes live.

For more details, see Saving vs Publishing.

Additional Resources

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